Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Though India gained freedom 63 years ago ,it is doubtful whether we have achieved the progress that we could have legitimately claimed.The answer  is an emphatic .NO.We must have a solution for this.
    Ours is a truly democratic country where people have given their mandate to so many single parties and alliances of numerous parties.on different occasions.If this has happened the onus of answering the question  WHY IT HAS HAPPENED ? lies with the major political parties here.
            We have many political parties like the Congress.BJP JanathaDal.and the combination of Left parties and many regional parties.There are a large number of leaders with impeccable integrity.ability patriotism and modern education.But these leaders are now prisoners of several political parties which are up in arms against each other in  an attempt to usurp Absolute Power to take this country in the direction  of THEIR CHOICE
       It is high time that we set apart our parochial attitudes and put together our all out efforts to work for the uplift of this Great Nation.
       When it comes to the case of coruption we find that the parties are paralyzing the daily life of the people with agitations and slogans and Bandhs when their partymen are not involved in it.But when such charges are leveled against their own partyman they stand like a ROCK behind him and even raise  public donations to fight his case.
Each party feels itself like the police and all other parties are thievesfor them
       I feel that the leaders of the parties like the Congress BJP and the JD should think of forming a Consensus government under the leadership of our present PM Dr Manmohan Singh.(I am sure that  the eminent leaders of all the political parties will give out their unstinted PRAISE for his good qualities once he is away from us .)I wonder why should we wait till that .Let us make use of his capacities by working with him and giving our Suggestions for good governance.
   Even the left parties can cooperate with others as the people have given them mandates in 3 states to rule for several years on their own or as coalitions.If they believe in the true democratic set up as present in India they need not feel shy of joining hands with the other political parties or leaders.T hey may not or cannot dream of a Chinese type of DEMOCRACY here.Whenever the elected goup have betrayed the faith bestowed on them our people have thrown them out and have given the chair to others who vowed to rule well.
I feel that whatever be the utterances of  the leaders of the Communist parties, even they cannot think of living under a Chinese type of Government after having enjoyed the freedom to attack anything and anybody for the past several decades.If they have lost the power in the states it is because of their own failures .
    Our respected leaders .Please spend a short period.unitedly for the progress of this Nation.Try to form a government by including sincere and able leaders from your side so that you can also take pride in having contributed for the progress of India Let this experiment be used from the dawn of the NEW YEAR for the next  5 years It is not a long period compared to the 63 years we have Underutilised
    Also if serious differences in policy matters cropup the matter should be left  tothe decision of the people by a referendum.Since we have successfully used the EVCs(Electronic Voting Machines )it will not be difficult for the assessment by the people to be made instantly.by an Y/n click in the computer.
    Prof.VS HARIHARAN.Profvsharih

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